• 19 years


In urma cu 22 ani , un grup restrans de oameni au avut o dorinta puternica, de a crea un loc in care copiii sa poata creste, intr-un climat optim, armonios si sigur.

Cunoaste echipa noastra

Diana Ciurea

Diana Ciurea

Nicoleta Ivascu

Nicoleta Ivascu

Irina Anton

Irina Anton

Ioana Crăciun

Ioana Crăciun

Ce spun nişte părinţi fericiţi

  • Thank you for offering parents the chance to give feedback ongoing. It means a lot to be given the chance to add some input, and more importantly that the committee is interested in what the needs of the community are, not their own personal needs, or those of the teachers, but those of the community and the community that the kindergarten resides in. A stroke of genius! Well done & thank you!
  • Mary Poppins Kindergarten has fantastic facilities and is a very friendly environment. In particular, the outdoor space and equipment is where my son loves to play most. The kinder on a whole is a very welcoming place to be and I think that the group social representatives for our Green group have been absolutely wonderful in both their organisation of social functions and also ensuring that all parents feel included and welcome always.
  • Our family will soon be finishing a 4 year continuous stint at the kinder, and I am so thrilled that we chose to send our children to Mary Poppins Kindergarten. They have loved the experience and my oldest daughter loves to collect our youngest so as to visit her kinder teachers and kinder environment once more. Mary Poppins Kindergarten is a fabulous kindergarten, and we have been very happy over the last 4 years and noticed significant improvement to both the play areas and play equipment over that time.
  • Both of my children's teachers have been amazing. The outdoor playground is large. It is a very social kinder which we enjoy. If you can't make something it doesn't matter as there is something else on around the corner. Each year we're had great class social reps!

Mary Poppins in Social Media

Unde ne găseşti

Mobil 1:
Mobil 2: 0745.285.826
Mobil 3: 0722.136.090
Str. Aron Cotruș, nr. 69E, sector 1, București, (Cartierul Francez, Soseaua Nordului)
Email: gradinitamarypoppins@yahoo.com
Website: www.gradinitamarypoppins.ro
© 2020 Gradinita Mary Poppins